Oh, hi, welcome to my portfolio!
My name is Leunar Miranda Leal, I specialize in usability and have worked for clients such as Intesa Sanpaolo, Unicredit and Wind Tre.
AI-image-generation used to create branded experiences that feel dream-like
App, UI
Two interventions to land a high-concept redesign, and then change the information architecture of an app
Design System, UI
The DS in use on a sales tool had to be substituted by the DS in use on a consumer application
A piggy-bank kind of function presented a major opportunity: micro-investments.
Desktop, SaaS
Online banking is a must-have, but humanizing the online banking experience is equally important.
Desktop, SaaS
An administrative platform to track servicing of the vehicles of a B2B leasing company
A dashboard to track Collective Actions of acosumers' association
Producing this set was particularly interesting to me as I am a photography enthusiast
I have a background in web design, front-end scripting and videomaking. I'm a very analytical, yet pragmatic designer: I prioritize results over pixel-perfection. I'm also very flexible and infinitely patient.
As a person I'm a great listener, which is indispensable to properly understand the user's needs but this also makes it very easy to work with me, and I know anybody's design is only as good as the team you work with!